Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Everything Happnes For A Reason

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there…to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.

And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never realize your potential, strength, will power or heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck. Illness, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test limits of your soul.

Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create whom you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but also because they are teaching you to love and open your heart and eyes to little things. Make every day count. Appreciate everything that you possibly can, for you may never experience it again.

Talk to people whom you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Hold you head up because you have every right to.

Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. Create you own life and then go out and live it.

Share this with anyone whom you believe has made a difference in your life!

"If you take your eyes off your goals, all you see is obstacles."

Monday, June 25, 2007

Make Sure Your Goals Are S.M.A.R.T.

We all have goals in our lives and we all want our goals to become reality. There is a huge difference between the goals that become real and the goals that don’t. The difference is that the goals that become reality are SMART. We all have goals in our lives and I think it’s safe to say that we all want to see our goals become reality. You may not do goal-setting exercises and you may not write out your goals, but I can promise you that you do have goals. You may want a better life, a faster or nicer car, a bigger house, more money, more time, a better job, or anything else. These are all goals.

Since some of our goals come to fruition and some don’t, many people might wonder what it is that makes the difference. Well, there are many different theories about goal-setting and I’m sure there is some accuracy in all of them. What I am writing about here is the attribute that makes goals more achievable.

So what is this attribute, this quality, this special something that will make your goal more achievable? It’s called making your goals SMART. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-oriented. So what does this mean?

Specific – You’re goal must be specific. If you set your goal as “I want more money” and you find a $100 bill on the ground, then your goal has been achieved, although that is probably not what you meant by more money. This is why you must be specific about your goal. If you want to earn an extra $100,000 this year then your goal must be “I want to earn an extra $100,000.”

Measurable – This means that you must have a way of measuring when your goal is achieved. If your goal is to lose 20 pounds, you can easily measure that goal with a scale. If your goal is to be a happier person, you need to ask yourself, “How will I know when I am a happier person?” You should always have a way of measuring the completion of your goal.

Actionable – You must have some way of taking action to get closer to your goal’s completion. If you have a goal that you just can’t take action towards, then the likelihood of your goal become reality is much less than if you can help create it. If your goal is to find your ideal mate, then you must create a way of finding this person. Where can you go to meet him or her? When will you go? With whom will you go?

Realistic – Your goals must be realistic. If your goal is to become a famous actor, then you need to make sure that you are realistically able to do so. If you are living on a farm in the country and you don’t know anyone in the movie business, then the chances of you becoming a famous actor are not as good as they would be if you lived in a city where there is a large acting community. This is also closely related to your goals being actionable.

Time-oriented – This is a very important aspect of SMART goals. You must set a deadline for your goals. You can set goals for a matter of weeks, months, or even years. If you want to meet your ideal partner, get a new car, buy a house, get a new job, or anything else – set a deadline. This deadline must be realistic. If your goal is to lose 20 pounds it may not be realistic to set a one-week deadline. However if you set out to lose exactly 20 pounds within 3 months by exercising 4 days per week for 1 hour and eating a low-fat diet filled with nutritious foods and you follow through with it, then you will be certain that in 3 months you will be 20 pounds slimmer.

These five key aspects of goals will make your goals more achievable and more motivating. Your goals will be easier to attain and you may even find your goals coming to fruition before the deadline that you’ve set. So either now or the next time you set a goal, make sure the goal is SMART.

Phillip Woodson is the president of Transformational Results, a peak performance coaching company dedicated to helping individuals live their lives at their absolute best. Phillip coaches individuals on stress management, freedom from fears and phobias, eliminating habits and addictions, and weight loss. For more information about Phillip or his services, or to sign up for his monthly newsletter full of helpful life tips and strategies, visit his website at

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Seven Simple Secrets of Naturally Lucky People

By Charles Burke

We've all seen people who are just naturally lucky. They're the ones who manage to sail through life with more unexplainable "lucky breaks" and fewer disappointments than most people get. Success just seems to come easier for them.

Where most folks have to struggle just to get ahead, lucky people regularly have opportunities just plop down in their laps. Of course, they work hard, but that doesn't fully explain the special treatment that life seems to reserve for them.

It almost appears that they were born with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouths. Or born under a luckier star than most mere mortals.

Well, cheer up; neither stars nor spoons are at work here. All they have is seven simple secrets. These secrets are easy little things that you can begin applying in your own life. And when you do, things will start to change for you. Your career will begin to blossom in unexpected ways. And one day you'll realize that now everyone has started calling you naturally lucky, too.

Ready to command more luck in your life? Here are the seven simple secrets of naturally lucky people.

I recently interviewed ten unusually successful business people for a book I was writing about the role luck plays in the lives of successes.

Nearly every one of them stated plainly they don't believe in luck.

In the next breath, however, they told about unending streams of "serendipitous" or "synchronistic" events that routinely happen in their daily lives.

I believe they don't like the word "luck" because it implies there's no way to control it. They've learned that there is.

If you prefer to call it serendipity or synchronicity rather than lucky, that's okay. The message here is not which term to use. It's about what you can do to get these kinds of things happening for you. When they do happen, you can call them anything you want.

There are several ways to have good luck. The most common (and the most useful) is to find opportunities in problems.

Let's say you and I are neighbors, and our whole city has a common problem. Maybe it's infestation with insects. Or it could be a serious pollution problem from a nearby plant.

While almost everyone is griping and complaining about the problem, you might decide: "Hey, if I can solve this problem, it will help my neighbors, and it can also make a profit for me." Your neighbors only saw the problem, but you looked deeper and found an opportunity.

All great fortunes have been built upon solving great problems. That's probably the most common and the most controllable way to generate your own luck.

If you knew ahead of time without a doubt that your success was guaranteed, how much would you go out and do?

Would it make any difference in the kind of things you would attempt? How much higher would you direct your aim?

Well, a funny thing happened to me a few years back. I was sitting and feeling sorry for myself one day because of all the failures that I had been through.

Then it suddenly occurred to me that one particular case hadn't been a real failure. I admitted to myself (reluctantly) that I had simply quit too soon. I had quit before I'd really had a chance to fail.

Then I thought of another non-failure. Then another.

And before long, I was buried under an avalanche of similar cases. In fact, I couldn't think of a single time when I had actually kept on trying long enough to fail. In other words, I had never experienced failure in my entire lifetime.

Only quitting.

A realization like that will realign your reality. After that, it's hard to consider yourself a failure because you've never failed. Who knows what you might really be, down inside?

I began to wonder: what would have happened if I had stuck with even a few of those situations just a little longer? What if I stopped being so ready to throw in the towel and surrender too soon? Would I start seeing the number of clear successes in my life begin to grow?

I started finding a new resourcefulness within myself. My "keeping-on" average began to go up, and my "failure" average started declining.

I count that one realization among the most important in my life. Not because it solved a problem, but because it identified one. Once I could see that the problem wasn't even what I thought it was, I was then able to work on doing something else instead.

And you know what? My luck began improving.

Successful poker players don't play every hand they're dealt.

If you keep count, the hands they fold far outnumber the hands they hold.

That's because a good card player knows the odds for every possible card combination. They know whether a flush beats a full house and which is more likely to occur. Good players don't bet on risk, they bet on probability.

Lucky people are very similar. They know longshots when they see them, and they may bet, but it's a calculated bet.

Lucky people are some of the most tenacious people on earth when it's appropriate. But they're also some of the quickest quitters when the odds don't favor them. In fact, they'll usually opt out of most situations before they even begin because they have learned to recognize and rank opportunities.

What makes a good opportunity? First, does it solve a WIDESPREAD problem? Second, do the people with the problem have enough money to pay for solving that problem? Third, is it easy to reach the people with the problem? Fourth, is the solution a really good one?

If they don't find all four factors, a lucky person will walk away because they know it's a losing hand, no matter how much they personally love the idea.

So if a lucky person sees he's holding a losing hand, he quits quickly and cuts his losses.

Good luck almost never happens in a vacuum.

Several years back I read a book by Max Gunther titled "The Luck Factor." Most of the details in that book have dimmed, but I've never forgotten the core idea: Most lucky breaks are brought to you by other people.

Few people find significant amounts of money on the street or buried in the backyard. Perhaps even fewer win lotteries. Instead, luck comes more often in the form of opportunities.

You're with a group of ladies (or guys) who are sitting around complaining about how it's hard to find respectable men (women) to date. Everybody is really getting into the problem.

The person next to you leans over and whispers, "Don't you wish everyone would just quit whining?" But instead of complaining about all those complaints, a little lightbulb clicks on in your head. You realize a good computerized screening service for romantic introductions would fill a real need here.

You don't say anything, but weeks later, when you announce the new service, and you're flooded with calls from singles all over the city wanting safer introductions, all your friends whisper, "She's so lucky. Where did she get that great idea?"

You know where the idea came from, but you're not telling.

A great deal of "good luck" is manually created out of discomfort often someone else's.

Let's say you're appearing in an amateur play in a little theater in your neighborhood. A big-name producer from Hollywood is visiting a sick relative, hears about the play, and for a bit of distraction decides to attend.

She sees a spark of something special in your performance, asks to meet you, and offers you a screen test. Okay, freeze the frame for a second.

Are you prepared for this big break? Have you done all the study and the practice and the foundation work it takes to be a professional? Will you have the technique and the skills necessary to do the job?

Or are you going to try and fake your way through it?

If you're prepared, you're likely to do well. This means a giant step toward your dreams.

And if you're not prepared... well, good luck with your day job.

All this talk about finding opportunities in "bad" events and developing your skills is important, but there's a more sunny side to luck as well.

Internet entrepreneur Joe Vitale terms it his "Magic Escalator through Life," and award-winning author John Harricharan has titled it "The Power Pause."

I interviewed both of these men recently, as well as eight other fascinating people, about how they manage to stay so consistently successful.

Every single one of them has techniques for keeping their mind tuned to the things they want. And they attend to this "mind tuning" every day. They're not casual about this. Oh no, they put regular effort into it. Their successes and their luck are not accidents.

If you're tempted to greet this with a dismissive, "Oh yeah, I've read those positive thinking books," then you need to think again.

The hardest part of Secret #7? Taking responsibility for the bad stuff in your life. If you've got uncomfortable situations right now, you'll never have the power to change them until you accept the fact that you created that mess... exactly as it is right now.

Admit to yourself that you created your own problems, down to the last tiny detail, and only then will you take command of the power to change those problems. Fortunately, it's not as impossible as it sounds at first.

Your mind is like a bucket. If the bucket is filled with muddy water, all you have to do is start a steady flow of clear, fresh water into the bucket.

Soon, the bucket (or your mind) is filled with clear, fresh contents.

Steady daily input of clear, fresh thoughts will change the things that appear in your life, without the need for major renovation. It just happens. You work on the inside, and the outside takes care of itself.

This means you don't fight the old thoughts. You give them minimum energy. You don't resist, you don't struggle. Instead, you put your attention as much as possible on the good things you want to appear in your life.

The lucky things you spend your time thinking about just start happening for you, and one day you wake up and realize, "Hey, I'm a pretty lucky person now. When did that happen?

Energizing Water Bio-energetically

"Energizing water bio-energetically is one of the most powerful meditation techniques for health and spiritual development." - Yogi Sharanananda

One of the most powerful Cosmic Heart Spiral of Love meditation techniques for health and spiritual development is energizing water bio-energetically. The aura or spiritual light body of the person expands exponentially a thousand fold after drinking water that is energized bio-energetically by a Sananda Christed Master.

The holding storing property of water similar to a crystal's storage property explains the health and spiritual benefits in drinking the bio-energetically energized water. Because our body is composed of 75% water, drinking bio-energetically energized water adds pure Light frequency which cleanses and tonifies our body's lympathic, circulatory, digestive and meridian system resulting in the alleviation of most health problems and expansion of the meridians and chakras of the energy light body. Kirlian images indicate that bio-charged drops of water has more than 30 times stronger Aura vibration and significantly altered physical and biological properties. Water charged with a Sananda Christed Master's energy makes it a more potent vehicle for nutrition and well-being.

What makes the water energized? What is the energy called? The energy is called Prana (Universal life force).

The prana is a vital metaphysical Life force and Light frequency, that exists universally, which underlies all physical actions of the body. It causes the circulation of the blood, movement of cells, and all motions which life of the body depends. It is a force sent forth from the nervous and meridian system by an effort of the will to direct healing.

Prana also is known by different names such as Qi in acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine, Ki in Japanese medicine and martial arts, and Shakti in East Indian Yoga or Ayurvedic Medicine.

The individual receives prana, Qi, Ki, or shakti from the sun (see sun gazing), food eaten, spring or distilled water drank, and air breathed. All force or energy received comes from one primal source, and everyone can increase their supply and give it as a "gift" to others through meditation, healing or energizing the water and food eaten. By the act of living spiritually, each receives this gift and therefore can freely share it with others.

Bio-energy healing (an important technique of Cosmic Heart Spiral of Love - Shakti Sun Yoga of Manifestation) is done by sending prana (the "universal life force") from the practitioner’s body or hands to diseased or affected parts of another person’s body. The force stimulates cells and tissues, restores normal activity, and allows waste material to leave the system. It involves the use of cleansing waves or passes, the laying on of hands or energizing the water and food eaten.

Lastly, the effectiveness of Bio-energy holographic healing, and energizing the water and food eaten depends upon the spiritual development of the practitioner. The meditation and bio-energy holographic healing techniques taught at the Cosmic Heart Spiral of Love Workshop presented by Yogi Sharanananda has one goal, i.e. to become a Sananda Christed Master in unity with Spirit and synchronized with the Power of Now. One can become masterfully effective not only in Bio-energy holographic healing and energizing the water and food eaten but also gifted with intuition, creativity, clairvoyance, distance healing, abundance, bi-location, teleportation and channeling abilities when one has become a Christed Being, a bridge between heaven and earth.

The True Power of Water

By Masaru Emoto

Water is sensitive to a subtle form of energy called hado. It is this form of energy that affects the quality of water and the shape in which water crystals form.

In my previous book, The Hidden Messages in Water , the word hado was translated as ‘wave fluctuation'. In The True Power of Water, I use hado to mean all the subtle energy that exists in the universe.

All existing things have vibrations, or hado. This energy is often positive or negative and is easily transmitted to other existing things. The thought ‘You fool’ carries its own hado, which water absorbs and displays as deformed crystals when frozen. On the other hand, when water has been exposed to positive thoughts, beautiful crystals are formed that reflect the positive hado. Hado, as you can see, is integrally woven into the implications of water's response to information.

Hado medicine
Some time ago I was introduced to a type of radionics device [not available any longer] capable of measuring various vibrations of the body at the cellular level. I developed an affinity for the device and became able to use it beyond the device's intended design, namely, to measure hado. My experience with the hado device led me to realise water's ability to receive information. It also led the way to my study of hado medicine, an alternative medical practice that researchers started to study after having felt the limitations of conventional Western medicine.

Although having a device was helpful in my study of hado medicine, I came to believe that humans are capable of feeling and sending hado as well as the device can measure it, if not better. For example, healers and counsellors who can help their patients are considered to have the ability to send good vibrations to correct their patients' abnormal vibrational patterns.

The fundamental principles of hado medicine are vibration and resonance. When the cellular vibrations in different parts of the body are disturbed for various reasons, our body can make a wrong turn. When this situation occurs, a new external vibration can be given to the disturbed cell so as to resonate with it; thus, its intrinsic vibration is restored. This is hado medicine in a nutshell. How can the vibration be corrected?

A hado is a wave; it has a wave shape of peaks and valleys. When the shape of a wave opposite to the original one – valleys for peaks, and peaks for valleys – is used, the wave can be straightened. By overlaying a wave with another wave in this manner, its characteristics can be cancelled. Hado medicine utilizes this concept to restore the patient's health by sending the hado that can cancel his/her unfavourable hado. Water is an integral component, as you'll see.

To help a person treat himself or herself with hado medicine, we examine the individual's hado using the hado measuring device. After understanding the disturbances to his or her own vibration, we prepare the water on which the information to correct the vibration was transferred through the hado measuring device. The hado water created in this manner penetrates into the molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles that make up the person's body and stops the disturbances of this vibration. By drinking this hado water, the individual could correct the disturbed vibration.

How emotions affect the body
Through my studies, I noticed many common characteristics that diseased people share and discovered the close correlation between people's emotions and affected parts of their body.

In 1995, I conducted hado examinations on one hundred people. I measured their hado regarding the most commonly shared emotions (thirty-eight traits including stress, worry, pressure, irritability, perplexity and excess fear) and then checked which part of their body resonated the most with each emotion.

I found, for example, that those who feel stress tend to have problems with their intestines. Worries are often expressed as problems in the cervical nerves, irritabilities in the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, excess fear in the kidneys and anxiety in the stomach.

You might want to think about your present emotions and physical conditions. Do they agree with these findings? It's true that ‘Worry is often the cause of illness’. When your emotional conditions improve, your illness often moves toward recovery.

Try saying an antonym of the unfavourable emotion that you are feeling. If you are feeling ‘stress’, the antonym is ‘relaxation', and for ‘irritability', it is ‘calm'. The most basic solution to correct your hado is to use the opposite word. To take this approach further, write the antonyms on a sheet of paper and show it to water. The information is given to the water; in other words, the hado of the positive trait is transmitted to the water. Then, when you drink it, you are in effect practising hado medicine.

From The True Power of Water, copyright 2003 by Masaru Emoto, translation copyright 2005 by Beyond Words Publishing.